Last Updated: Aug 8th, 2011 - 15:16:05 |
Local History
Reviving Youth Baseball in Ecuador - 1964
Ecuadorian Béisbol is a story about the revival of youth baseball in Guayaquil, Ecuador, begun in 1964. The project was organized and led by Ecuadorian nationals and assisted by a Peace Corps coach.
Jul 25, 2011, 00:00
Local History
Night Baseball Arrives in Albemarle (NC) - 1948
I now realize that Coach (Ferebee) must have been one of those (Albemarle) Rockets who yelled “My fault!” when a teammate committed an error.
Aug 22, 2010, 00:00
Local History
Normandy to Berlin - Walking on Hallowed Ground
Our eleven-day tour began in Normandy and continued through the Argonne and Hurtgen Forests, to the Battle of the Bulge, across the Rhine River, and on to Weimar, Buchenwald, Berlin, and Potsdam.
Aug 7, 2008, 00:00
Local History
Remembering Coach Diz Owens
It must have been Coach’s genuine character and gentle spirit that B.G. Short recognized when hiring “Diz” for his first teaching position. We in my generation at Norwood High School were fortunate, indeed, to have known “Diz” and to have had him as our coach, teacher, and friend. We honor Coach Owens’ memory, and with his lovely family and many friends, we mourn his sudden departure from this earth.
Jun 23, 2007, 00:00
Local History
Remembering a great coach's impact on players' lives - Joe Ferebee
In time I also learned that the integrity, talent, and enthusiasm of a great coach have an enormous and lasting influence in a player’s life. For countless players, and especially for me, that is true of Joseph Ferebee.
Apr 13, 2007, 00:00
Local History
Wilma Forrest, at one hundred
I never forgot the first time I saw Wilma Forrest. She cast such an imposing figure walking down Main Street in Norwood. Tall and handsome, the tallest woman I’d ever seen. Men must have thought her beautiful.
Aug 8, 2006, 00:00
Local History
Jubilee Celebration, 1957 American Legion Baseball League Champions, Albemarle, NC
Coach Joe Ferebee's 1957 American Legion league championship baseball team, Albemarle, North Carolina, will hold its Jubilee Celebration on Saturday, August 18, 2007.
Aug 18, 2007, 00:00
Local History
"Runt" Barbee Home Run Absent From Record Book
"Runt" must have been persuasive, because Coach Ferebee changed his mind. “Listen, boys,” he told us, “I said none of you could hit with a 36-inch bat, but I decided Ronald can do so. He convinced me that he can handle a bat that large. But the rule stands for the rest of you.”
Jul 13, 2007, 00:00